The Master’s Third Wife Episode 5
If you Miss any Episode Click Here Or Click here to read the previous episode, The Master’s Wife Episode 4
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 5
(Heart of ice…)
By: Faith Lucky
Sitting in the moving carriage, Kaylan couldn’t stop thinking. And as they got closer to the Xander community, and felt she was getting closer to her Nightmare.
Good Lord! All the bravery she’d been feeling a while ago was beginning to dwindle, did down…How did she even think she’d be able to survive this guy in the first place? This strange cruel Master like she’s heard?
What would happen at night?
Oh God! She didn’t even want to think about it. What if he asks for…s*x?
Hell no! She’d definitely turn him down. There’s no way she was getting intimate with him, not now, never!
As soon as she gets there, she’d carry out her plans of making him angry so he’d divorce her. Yes – exactly!
When she’s made him angry enough and given him enough trouble, she was sure he’d send her parking home..
The carriage was fast approaching the big gates of the community and as they did, Kaylan felt more nervous.
Oh…! Come on, Kaylan, you can do it… she tried reassuring herself but couldn’t. Why was she feeling so scared with each progress they made towards the community?
Finally, she could hardly take it again. She could hardly take it and just wanted to run off, run away.
“Stop the carriage! Stop moving!” She yelled at the rider and in a few seconds, the horses were forced to stop moving.
The curtains were opened immediately, revealing a guard.
“Princess Kaylan” he called. “Is there a problem?”.
“Um… I just…I need to free myself. I’m very pressed” she answered as she itched the back of her neck.
The guard hesitated a little.
“But there’s a hardly a toilet here. You can…”
“Oh! Don’t worry, I can wee in the bush- behind those trees. You won’t see a thing , I promise” she feigned a smile and the guard gave her the go ahead.
She stepped out of the carriage carefully so she doesn’t step on her extremely long dress and trip.
She looked around, liking the fact that there were so many bushes there. She could easily run away in the process.
“Excuse me” she smiled to the guard and walked towards the bush.
She walked slowly, turning to look at them at intervals and to make sure they weren’t watching. Well, of course they shouldn’t be watching. How can they watch a lady who’s trying to ease herself? That could be seen as a punishable offence.
She walked into the bush, stood behind one of the trees and acted like she wanted to pull down her dress. But when she looked again and discovered the guards weren’t watching, she started running away.
“The princess! She’s getting away!” One of the horse riders yelled when he noticed and immediately, the two guards set out after her.
“Princess Kaylan! Princess Kaylan!” They called.
Kaylan ran as fast as she could do, but due to the heavy clothes she had on, she couldn’t be as fast as she used to and the guards unfortunately caught up with her .
“No! Let me go!” She yelled and tried struggling with the strong hands that held her waist, but it was impossible getting free from them.
“Princess Kaylan! What’re you doing? Are you really trying to escape? Is that what you want?” The guard scolded and Kaylan became angrily calm, pouting her lips.
“Please, I wouldn’t want to get into trouble because of this. We have to return to the carriage – now” he further said and Kaylan perfunctorily followed him back to the ride.
She got in and no time, the carriage was moving again.
Damn it! Her plan failed! Why didn’t she run faster, huh?
Or perhaps, she’d have gone deeper into the bush before attempting to run away.
Oh Kaylan! You’re so doomed!
They didn’t make another stop until they had gotten to the Master’s mansion – a place which looked like a Palace to Kaylan.
The curtains were opened for her and she stepped out gracefully with her eyes going around.
Wow! The mansion was so big and resembled that of a palace. Was there any difference?
“Please Princess Kaylan, come with me” the guard said and led the way, while Kaylan followed.
She kept looking around, admiring the beauty of the place.
She’s spotted some men training in the field – training with swords. Hmph. She’s always been so scared of sword fights.
She continued looking around, finding the whole view amusing and finally, they entered a hallway that looked different – more beautiful.
“Hold on; where are we going?” She hastened her steps towards the guard and asked and he replied:
“To the Master’s chambers”
“Hah!” She gasped.
They’re going to his Chambers so soon?
“But…But why?” She asked, even if it sounded stupid.
The guard looked at her and chuckled.
“You need to carry out the marriage rites this morning” he answered simply and looked ahead.
They’d come across some maids who stopped and bowed for Kaylan as she walked by.
Well, it was nothing new to her as she’d been experiencing it bsdk there at the palace as well.
Kaylan kept thinking about her soon to be husband. What does he even look like? Funny enough, she’s never seen the face of the man she’s getting married to.
More craps! She’s definitely going to end this marriage in a short time from now. Just give her some days.
They got to the chambers but the guards at the door told them Xander wasn’t in at the moment.
Thank goodness! Kaylan thought happily.
“You’ll need to go in and wait for him, then” the guard said. “He’ll be back soon”.
Kaylan nodded and walked into the room, feeling relieved her meeting with the Master would have to be post poned, even if it had to be for a few minutes.
She got into the room and took a long, deep breath, loving the fragrance that welcomed her.
Why was his room so beautiful, huh? She’d actually been thinking it’d be as ugly as they say he was.
She nodded as she looked around, wearing a look of possession.
She walked to the big bed and sat on it, but God! It was so hard!!
“How does he enjoy sleeping on soemthing like this, huh!” She mumbled as she pressed her ass on the bed and stood up.
She threw her legs happily and walked deeper into the room. The room was so big and looked manly enough. .urgh! Where was he anyway?
She spotted soemthing beautiful on the table and hurried towards it, lifting it up.
It was a cup, made of glass and had Xander’s name on it.
Wow! Must be quite expensive – she thought.
She turned it around in her hand, admiring it’s quality and design and suddenly, she heard a deep scary voice was behind:
“Don’t touch what’s mine”.
The voice was so deep, it made Kaylan flinch and as she turned to have a look, the glass accidentally left her hand and crashed on the floor.
It has started.
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 9
If you Miss any Episode Click Here Or Click here to read the previous episode, The Master’s Wife Episode 8
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 9
Kaylan and Jaden were both lying on the bed, their legs and arms sprawled apart as they talked and talked about a lot of thing. But shortly, their blissful moment was intrrupted by a knock on the door
“Oh!! Who’s that?” Kaylan half yelled as she sat up pn the bed, feeling disturbed.
The door went open afterwards and a guard walked in – Aiken.
Aiken’s brows arched in Surprise when he found the strange lady in the room.
“Hey! Who’re you and what’re you doing there?” He inquired, placing his hand on his sword.
“Will you take your hands off that?? She’s my friend!” Kaylan snapped and he relaxed.
“Hold on; so you were really gonna use that on me?” Jaden scoffed. “You must be a joke”.
Aiken wanted to react, but considering they were ladies, he just restricted himself and went straight to the reason he www there.
“Sorry to disturb you, princess. But it’s time for the marriage rites” he said respectfully and Kaylan’s cheeks turned red.
“Huh? It’s time already?” She muttered to herself but Aiken nodded anyway.
“Um…Okay, then. I’ll be there soon”.
“I was instructed to bring you, Princess. So,we need to leave now” Aiken told her and she bit her little finger.
“Fine! Just wait outside” she rolled her eyes.
“Please, hurry” he added and left.
“That guy’s such a jerk, huh?” Jaden snorted as soon as he left and Kaylan left the bed and ran to the mirror.
“My dress is still looking okay, right?” Kaylan asked, twirling in front of the mirror.
“Yeah, of course. Um… Kaylan, do you think you’ll be spending the night with him today?” Jaden asked and fear gripped Kaylan immediately.
God! She didn’t even think of that aspect.
“Urgh! Of course, not. Why would he ask me to spend the night with him?” She frowned.
“Are you kidding me, Kay? Are you forgetting the main reason he needs a wife?? It’s because he needs a successor. So , you two need to make babies..”
“Shut up, Jaden. We’re not making any babies. As a matter of fact, I’m never letting that guy touch me. Grr! He looks so scary and I doubt if he’s ever been to bed with a woman. It’s possible he doesn’t even know how to do it” she paused and laughed at her own words, covering her mouth with her palm.
Jaden just watched her like a movie.
“Anyway, let’s go now before he says I’m late” she stated sarcastically and started today the door while Jaden followed her.
Aiken had been waiting outside like he claimed and he led them to the big hall where the marriage was to take place.
Roseline had attended about 2 marriages before and they sure looked better than this. They had people all over with red beautiful designs and the rest. But in her case, it was looking almost like a rat funeral. Hmph.
She found just about 5 people in the hall in total – two women, a boy and two ladies and she didn’t bother to know who they were.
Xander was standing at the extreme with the priest in front of him and they all seemed to be waiting for her. Oh.
She rolled her eyes and kept her head bowed as she marched towards the extreme to join Xander who was just staring into space like a robot.
“Now, the bride is here. Can we begin now?” The royal priest asked but nobody replied.
So, he took that as a *yes* and proceeded.
The marriage was as short as a rabbit as within the twinkle of an eye, it was all over and everyone dispatched.
“Welcome to the family, dear” one of the women she had seen in the hall said warmly to Kaylan just when she was about leaving.
Hold on; family? Who was the woman? She thought Xander had no family?
“Um… Thank you” She replied anyway and the woman smiled and left.
The other ladies didn’t even pay attention to her but just simply left. And as for the boy…he gave her a light smile before leaving.
Happy married life, darling. I can’t believe you’re finally Mrs Xander ” Jaden said teasingly as they walked side by side back to their chambers.
“Come off it, Jaden. I wouldn’t even call this a wedding. It’s the whackest wedding I’ve ever experienced my whole life” Kaylan Said with so much irritability and Jaden laughed.
“Anyway, I’m sincerely sorry about this, Kaylan. But don’t worry, I’m sure… things would get better.
“By the way, I’m soo hungry. Where’s the kitchen, huh?”
Aiken was standing behind Xander as he took off his heavy clothes so he’d be a little free. For someone that was getting married for the 3rd time, he didn’t expect him to feel any excitement of course. And that was the reason he wasn’t surprised as he acted so cold and quiet.
But then, following the marriage rites, he should be in bed with his new wife right? Shouldn’t that be the first thing they do after solemnization?
“My Lord’ he called after a few seconds but Xander didn’t respond.
“Should I get you you the princess?”
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 7
If you Miss any Episode Click HereOr Click here to read the previous episode, The Master’s Wife Episode 6
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 7
Kaylan could feel her throat in her chest as she stared keenly at the wardrobe.
What the hell was that?? What made that sound??
Her eyes were nearly popping out of their sockets as she reached for a vest beside her and lifted it up. It was time for war.
“Who’s there?!” She commended, her hands shaking with the vest in it
“Come out now, or I’ll kill you”.
There was another sound and she flinched.
She was about running away when suddenly, a lady jumped out from behind with her fingers out.
“Yeah!” She gave a light scream, trying to frighten Kaylan more and Kaylan’s jaws dropped when she noticed it was Jaden.
“Whaaat??? Jaden?” She called in disbelief and Jaden laughed so hard at her.
“Oh, goodness! You needed to had seen your face, Kaylan! You were like a fat rat!” Jaden said with a hearty laughter, but Kaylan was still surprised.
“Hold on, how the hell did you get in here?” She asked with crinkled eyes, lowering the vest.
“Oh! It’s easy. I knew this would be your room. So, I found a way to sneak in. Come here, I was so worried about you” she pouted as she went closer and pulled her in a hug.
Kaylan collected the hug, but as soon as it lasted for a second, she slapped her on the head.
“Ouch!” Jaden winced, touching the back of her head.
“Come here, how dare you give me a fright, huh? Are you normal?” Kaylan lifted the vest towards her and she moved away.
“Stop it, will you? I didn’t mean to. Did I commit a crime by coming to see you?” Jaden asked with pouted lips and Kaylan rolled her eyes and dropped the vest.
“By the way Kaylan, how on Earth did you end up with Xander??” Jaden asked and Kaylan dropped her ass on the bed.
“It’s that fat man that calls himself my father” she rolled her eyes. “He did it to punish me – saying I needed to get married so I could change”.
“Huh? But that’s Outrageous. Getting married doesn’t mean you’ll change. Besides, Master Xander is too dangerous to me. Why would your father just marry you off to him like he doesn’t care about you anymore?”
“Hah!” Kaylan suddenly gasped and turned properly to face her.
“You wouldn’t even believe what happened earlier on!” She clapped her hands and laughed with so much excitement.
“Today, I challenged him! Yes, I did”.
Jaden’s eyes dilated in shock and confusion.
“I… don’t understand, Kay. What’re you talking about?”
“Well, when I arrived, I was actually taken to his room and to wait for him. And while I was waiting, I accidentally broke his glass and that was the moment he walked in.
“Hold on, whaaat??” Jaden exclaimed. “Why were you so clumsy, Kaylan?!”
“Well, it was a mistake okay?” She rolled her eyes. “Anyway, he was pretty angry and asked if I was dumb and I told him – hey, I’m not dumb okay? Actually, you’re the one who’s dumb! You and your guards!”
She paused and giggled while Jaden stared at her like she was out of her mind.
“Okay. Just tell me you’re joking because I know that isn’t true” she scoffed.
“Huh? You think I’m lying to you? Of course, it happened! I told him to his face” Kaylan defended.
“And you seriously think you’d still be alive at this moment?” She chuckled.
“Even if you were to be alive, I’m pretty sure your eyes would’ve been off already. Or worst, your legs would be dancing on a pole right now”.
“Fine! Fine! Just shut up okay?” Kaylan rolled her eyes. “I didn’t exactly spell it out to him, tho. But I’m pretty sure he should know that was what I meant”
Jaden shook her head and laughed pathetically.
“Anyway, when is the marriage ceremony taking place?” She asked.
Xander stood in front of his second table, sharpening his sword with the steel when he heard the door open.
He maintained his position, not bothering to have a look because he could tell who it was from her walking steps.
“Why are you late, Anya?” He asked calmly when she stood behind him and she felt a slight fear run through her.
“I’m… I’m very sorry, My Lord. I was actually in the bathroom when the guard came to call me. I apologise for the delay” she replied politely, her head bowed in respect.
For a longer time, he didn’t say a word and it made her so so nervous.
Urgh! That killing silence!
Each time Xander was quiet after getting offended, the offender is usually very anxious because he could pass a deadly judgement when he finally speaks.
“You should know what to do” he finally said and Anya breathed in relief, feeling thankful it didn’t have to be a punishment.
Without hesitation, she took off her clothes and went to lay on the bed.
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 8
If you Miss any Episode Click Here Or Click here to read the previous episode, The Master’s Wife Episode 7
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 8
Kaylan could feel her throat in her chest as she stared keenly at the wardrobe.
What the hell was that?? What made that sound??
Her eyes were nearly popping out of their sockets as she reached for a vest beside her and lifted it up. It was time for war.
“Who’s there?!” She commended, her hands shaking with the vest in it
“Come out now, or I’ll kill you”.
There was another sound and she flinched.
She was about running away when suddenly, a lady jumped out from behind with her fingers out.
“Yeah!” She gave a light scream, trying to frighten Kaylan more and Kaylan’s jaws dropped when she noticed it was Jaden.
“Whaaat??? Jaden?” She called in disbelief and Jaden laughed so hard at her.
“Oh, goodness! You needed to had seen your face, Kaylan! You were like a fat rat!” Jaden said with a hearty laughter, but Kaylan was still surprised.
“Hold on, how the hell did you get in here?” She asked with crinkled eyes, lowering the vest.
“Oh! It’s easy. I knew this would be your room. So, I found a way to sneak in. Come here, I was so worried about you” she pouted as she went closer and pulled her in a hug.
Kaylan collected the hug, but as soon as it lasted for a second, she slapped her on the head.
“Ouch!” Jaden winced, touching the back of her head.
“Come here, how dare you give me a fright, huh? Are you normal?” Kaylan lifted the vest towards her and she moved away.
“Stop it, will you? I didn’t mean to. Did I commit a crime by coming to see you?” Jaden asked with pouted lips and Kaylan rolled her eyes and dropped the vest.
“By the way Kaylan, how on Earth did you end up with Xander??” Jaden asked and Kaylan dropped her ass on the bed.
“It’s that fat man that calls himself my father” she rolled her eyes. “He did it to punish me – saying I needed to get married so I could change”.
“Huh? But that’s Outrageous. Getting married doesn’t mean you’ll change. Besides, Master Xander is too dangerous to me. Why would your father just marry you off to him like he doesn’t care about you anymore?”
“Hah!” Kaylan suddenly gasped and turned properly to face her.
“You wouldn’t even believe what happened earlier on!” She clapped her hands and laughed with so much excitement.
“Today, I challenged him! Yes, I did”.
Jaden’s eyes dilated in shock and confusion.
“I… don’t understand, Kay. What’re you talking about?”
“Well, when I arrived, I was actually taken to his room and to wait for him. And while I was waiting, I accidentally broke his glass and that was the moment he walked in.
“Hold on, whaaat??” Jaden exclaimed. “Why were you so clumsy, Kaylan?!”
“Well, it was a mistake okay?” She rolled her eyes. “Anyway, he was pretty angry and asked if I was dumb and I told him – hey, I’m not dumb okay? Actually, you’re the one who’s dumb! You and your guards!”
She paused and giggled while Jaden stared at her like she was out of her mind.
“Okay. Just tell me you’re joking because I know that isn’t true” she scoffed.
“Huh? You think I’m lying to you? Of course, it happened! I told him to his face” Kaylan defended.
“And you seriously think you’d still be alive at this moment?” She chuckled.
“Even if you were to be alive, I’m pretty sure your eyes would’ve been off already. Or worst, your legs would be dancing on a pole right now”.
“Fine! Fine! Just shut up okay?” Kaylan rolled her eyes. “I didn’t exactly spell it out to him, tho. But I’m pretty sure he should know that was what I meant”
Jaden shook her head and laughed pathetically.
“Anyway, when is the marriage ceremony taking place?” She asked.
Xander stood in front of his second table, sharpening his sword with the steel when he heard the door open.
He maintained his position, not bothering to have a look because he could tell who it was from her walking steps.
“Why are you late, Anya?” He asked calmly when she stood behind him and she felt a slight fear run through her.
“I’m… I’m very sorry, My Lord. I was actually in the bathroom when the guard came to call me. I apologise for the delay” she replied politely, her head bowed in respect.
For a longer time, he didn’t say a word and it made her so so nervous.
Urgh! That killing silence!
Each time Xander was quiet after getting offended, the offender is usually very anxious because he could pass a deadly judgement when he finally speaks.
“You should know what to do” he finally said and Anya breathed in relief, feeling thankful it didn’t have to be a punishment.
Without hesitation, she took off her clothes and went to lay on the bed.
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