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The Master’s Third Wife Episode 4



If you Miss any Episode Click Here Or Click here to read the previous episode, The Master’s Wife Episode 3

The Master’s Third Wife Episode 4

By: Faith Lucky

Jaden stood at the entrance of the hallway, still trying to convince the guards.

“Please…” She begged. “You have to let me in. Come on; I won’t take long”.

“You’re just wasting your time, Jaden. No matter what you do, we aren’t letting you in. The King has given specific orders not to let anyone – especially you – into the princess’ Chambers” one of the guards replied bluntly and Jaden gasped.
Whaat?? The King had given such order??

She fiddled with her nails and looked left and right. Oh! What does she do? She had been really worried about her

That was the first time the King had caught her red handed and she knew he’d be really really mad. So, she wanted to know what punishment he had given her this time around.

“But…how about you just pass a message for me?” She turned to the guards and said.
“Just tell her… I came to check up on her and… I’m really sorry for whatever punishment the King must’ve given to her”.

“We’re not delivering any message, Jaden. Get out” The second guard replied grumpily and Jaden glared hard at him.

“You…” She pointed her finger at him. “You so rude” she mumbled and finally walked away.




Kaylan sat in front of the mirror as they dressed her hair.

Her face was so long and portrayed anger and dissapointment. She felt so bittered.

Finally, she was getting married – getting married to someone she’s never met before.

Although, it was very common in their culture for planned marriages to take place – it was possible for two strangers to just get hooked up by their parents and get married the following day, but she’s always hated it. Yeah! She did.

She’s always dreamt of getting married to a guy she’d – at least – like, if not for love. She’s always wanted to get married to a man of her choice and not just some strange cruel master with a bad image.

She had even pleaded with her father to post pone the meeting so they could get married in two days time, but the old man wouldn’t listen and insisted on marrying her off that very day and ite was so so annoying!

“I’m done, Princess” the hair dresser said and Kaylan glanced into the mirror.

The hair had been styled and beautified with some jewellries.

She was putting on a bridal attire and couldn’t believe she was actually the one looking that matured.

“Do you like it, my princess?” The hair dresser said ecstatically but Kaylan only glared hard at her.

“You want to know the truth? It’s ugly” she answered bluntly and rolled her eyes.

The hair dresser gasped in shock, wondering if the princess was speaking the truth or she was only being angry.

She was sure she had done a great job.

The door opened shortly and a guard showed up.

“Princess Kaylan, your carriage is ready. It’s time to leave” the guard said and Kaylan felt like puking.

“Princess Kaylan” the guard called again when she didn’t respond and she rolled her eyes and stood up.

“I heard you the first time, Okay? You don’t have to yell at me” she snapped and walked out the door while the guard followed.
She walked out of her chambers, her countenance getting worst and when they got to the carriage, she found her mother waiting there for her.

She lowered her gaze to the floor and fiddled with her nails, not wanting to look at her.

“Kaylan” the Queen called with a sigh. “I understand that you’re angry, but there’s nothing any k us can do at the moment”.

Kaylan didn’t say a word and the Queen took her hand into hers.

“Remember everything I told you last night. Be polite to him, gentle and who knows? You’ll be able to survive it”.

Kaylan only scoffed.

“My dear” she continued. “I know we’ve heard a lot of rumours about this man, but it’s possible…”

“There’s no need for this, mum” Kaylan cut her off, politely tho. “No matter what you say, it’s not going to change the fact thst I don’t want to get married to anyone at all! I just hate this”

The Queen sighed and touched her face.

“I’m going to miss you, dear. Goodluck” she pulled her into a hug but Kaylan didn’t reciprocate.

“You should go now” the Queen said when they disengaged from the hug and quietly, Kaylan turned towards the carriage.
And as she was about walking in, she spotted her step sistes, gawping and sniggering at her. Obviously, they were happy for her misfortune.

She decided to ignore and just walked in, the curtains being closed afterwards.

In no time, the carriage was moving, making her shake a little.

That man – she thought angrily.
She was definitely going to make sure they divorce.

Yes – she’d make him so angry to the extent he’d have to send her back home. Exactly! That was going to be her plan!


In a dark room…

Master Xander stood in front of the three men who were on their knees, tied up in chains.

Their whimpers echoed in the silence, accompanying the damp smell that filled the place.

The day was bright, but due to the purpose of the room, Xander made it dark.

“I won’t ask you again” he said after so many seconds, his sword in his right hand.

Three of his guards were in the room with him.

“Who do you work for?”

“No one… Please…we work for no one. Everything we did…was by our own will…” The first man lied again, his voice shaking

In a split second, Xander lifted his sword and sliced through his neck, making him drop dead on the floor..

Terror filled the eyes of the last two. Only his guards didn’t really flinch because they were used to the view already.

Xander looked at the second man on his knees. He didn’t need to repeat the question.

“Please, My Lord…” He shivered. “We are not…”

Another sharp sound was heard immediately as Xander sliced through his neck, making him drop dead on the floor

The last man…fear was a word too small to describe how he felt and he didn’t even let Xander look at him before spilling out the truth.

“It was Royce!” He said aloud, his eyes dilating so bright.
“Royce… Royce sent us!”

There was a pause.

Xander was a little surprised. Royce?

He glanced at the floor, then slowly took his eyes to the man

“Please my Lord! That’s the truth!; I’ve told you the truth already! Please!” The man gibbered and for a few seconds, Xander was silent.

Then, in his usual cold tone, he said:
“You shouldn’t have wasted my time”.

And ‘swipp!” Went the sword on the man’s neck as well.

Xander dropped the stained sword on the floor and started walking out afterwards while two of the guards in the room set out to take care of the bodies.
The third followed him.

His steps announced power as he marched towards his chambers, fully dressed in his armor.

All the maids and guards he’d come across stopped walking and bowed to pay their respect to him. And finally, he got into his chambers.

“My Lord!” One of his guards came running in immediately, but he didn’t turn to look at him as he concentrated on taking off his armor.

“I just wanted to inform you that princess Kalyan’s on her way already”

Xander paused and turned slightly to look at him from his shoulders.

“Who’s Kaylan?” He asked and the guard wouldn’t say he was surprised.

“Um…the lady you’re getting married to” he replied and with the same blank expression, Xander looked away.

“It’s today?” He mumbled as he walked towards his closest and that was the part that cracked the guard up.
He had actually forgotten his own wedding date!

“Yes, my Lord. The letter was brought in yesterday” he replied anyway, with a bow.

Xander completely took off his heavy clothings, then walked into the bathroom afterwards; not saying another word.

Brought to you by Faith Lucky ✍️
Love you all 💋💋💋

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The Master’s Third Wife Episode 11



If you Miss any Episode Click Here Or Click here to read the previous episode, The Master’s Wife Episode 10

The Master’s Third Wife Episode 11

(Heart of ice…)

By: Faith Lucky

“Sharon??” Mansi called in surprise as she walked closer to her.

“Hey, honey. Finally, you returned!” Princess Sharon squealed happily as she dropped the brush she was holding. “I’ve been waiting for so long for you”.

“Hold on, what’re you doing here? I mean…how did you get here?” Mansi scoffed.

“Urgh? Can’t I pay a visit to my friend anymore?” Sharon rolled her eyes and Mansi strolled to the table.

“Anyway, welcome”. She mumbled as she arranged the books on the table.

“So, how have you been, Mansi? How’s Lord Xander?” Sharon asked and Mansi shut her a suspicious stare.

“Since when did you start asking after Lord Xander, Sharon? Anyway, he’s in his chambers – incase you want to see him” Mansi replied sarcastically.

“Oh!! Seriously Mansi. I’d really love it if you could take me to his room”.

“Whaat?? Have you gone nuts?? I hardly know Xander and I’m not even sure we’ve ever spoken to each other. So, how do you expect me to just take you to him?” Mansi scoffed and Sharon just rolled her eyes with a *fine*

“Anyway, how’s his newly weded wife? I heard the marriage had taken place yesterday?” She asked

“Well, yes. You heard correctly”.

“And how was it? How’s the wife?”.

“Stop asking me silly questions, Sharon. I don’t know anything about the wife, okay? You should know me by now that I love minding my business”.

“Oh, boring. Anyway, are you aware Master Xander would’ve gotten married to me?” She asked and Mansi turned to look at her, seeming surprised.

“Well, yes. You know, when the letter was taken to Kaylan’s father, he’d rejected it and said he wasn’t giving his daughters out to Xander. So, the letter got to my father next, but before my father could reply, Kaylan’s father had already changed his mind and said he was ready to give Kaylan out. So, you see? I was so close to being the lucky one”. She explained wistfully, feeling a little hurt.

“Wow” Mansi just mouthed and turned back to the table and Sharon felt bittered that she wasn’t saying anything to help. What a friend indeed

Anyway, with or without Mansi’s help, she was still going to get what she wants.

She had been so close to being Xander’s wife before Kaylan ruined it. And she was going to make sure she ended up ruining the marriage as well.


“Seriously Kaylan, I think this is a bad idea” Jaden said as they stood in front of the tavern.

“And what exactly could be wrong with this, Jaden? Its just for fun and isn’t like we’ll be killing anyone”. Kaylan rolled her eyes and tried going further, but Jaden pulled her back..
“But thats a place mainly for men and I don’t think someone like you should be found on it. Besides, we don’t even have any money on us. Come on, Kay. Let’s just go”. She grumbled.

They’d been taking a walk round the community when they came across th tanvern which happens to prick Kaylan’s interest.

“Nobody knows me as the Master’s wife. So, let’s go” she rolled her eyes and proceeded to the tanvern and this time around, Jaden couldn’t stop her.
So, she followed.
The tanvern wasn’t as crowdy and noisy as Kaylan had expected and she concluded it was due to the fact that it was morning.

She saw about 3 ladies cleaning some tables and serving drinks and the rest of the people that filled the place were male. Hmph.

“Wow! A lady’s here for a drink” a man closeby suddenly grinned and Kaylan shut him a deadly stare.

She looked around and found the only table that was crowded as it had about 5 men on it, with two playing a game.

“It’s chess!” Kaylan whispered to Jaden, her eyes beaming.
Oh! Chess was her favorite game.

They moved closer to the table and joined the rest of the men standing to watch the game.
Some coins were placed beside them which meant they’d actually set a bet.

“Oh!! He’s trapped, man!!” One of the watchers exclaimed and the others laughed.

They were so engrosser’s in the game and couldn’t even notice the two ladies that’d joined them.

Kaylan watched with ecstasy as the two men played the games perfectly, each seeming to be a pro. But, tch! She was sure she could do better than them.

“This is so interesting” Jaden giggled and nudged Kaylan.

Minutes later…the game was over with the fat man emerging the winner and the watchers cheered him as he loaded the coins into his pocket.

“Woww’ Kaylan looked at Jaden and whisper.
That was money!!

“And who wants to go next?” The fat man asked with his hands spread apart, sounding so bold.

“Well, let me give it a try” another man replied and took the seat on the other side of the table.

He brought out his coins, same with the other man and the game began.

It was tough and interesting, but after a long while, the fat man won again.

“Woah!! You’re the best at this Pablo” the men cheered at him and Kaylan could notice how his head swelled.

The loser stood up with a grumpy look, probably feeling angry that he had lost such amount of money.

“And who else wants to take the seat?” The fat man asked again and before someone else would reply, Kaylan did.

“I will”.

All eyes turned towards her direction.

“What? A lady in our midst?” She could hear them mumbling.

“Kaylan! What’re you doing??” Jaden said huskily, but Kaylan ignored her.
The money was damn too tempting.

The man turned to look at her, actually surprised.

” A lady?” He laughed. “Okay, honey. Come on and let’s have some fun”.

And without hesitation, Kaylan hurried to the other side of the table and took the seat.

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The Master’s Third Wife Episode 9



If you Miss any Episode Click Here Or Click here to read the previous episode, The Master’s Wife Episode 8

The Master’s Third Wife Episode 9

Kaylan and Jaden were both lying on the bed, their legs and arms sprawled apart as they talked and talked about a lot of thing. But shortly, their blissful moment was intrrupted by a knock on the door

“Oh!! Who’s that?” Kaylan half yelled as she sat up pn the bed, feeling disturbed.

The door went open afterwards and a guard walked in – Aiken.

Aiken’s brows arched in Surprise when he found the strange lady in the room.

“Hey! Who’re you and what’re you doing there?” He inquired, placing his hand on his sword.

“Will you take your hands off that?? She’s my friend!” Kaylan snapped and he relaxed.

“Hold on; so you were really gonna use that on me?” Jaden scoffed. “You must be a joke”.

Aiken wanted to react, but considering they were ladies, he just restricted himself and went straight to the reason he www there.

“Sorry to disturb you, princess. But it’s time for the marriage rites” he said respectfully and Kaylan’s cheeks turned red.

“Huh? It’s time already?” She muttered to herself but Aiken nodded anyway.
“Um…Okay, then. I’ll be there soon”.

“I was instructed to bring you, Princess. So,we need to leave now” Aiken told her and she bit her little finger.

“Fine! Just wait outside” she rolled her eyes.

“Please, hurry” he added and left.

“That guy’s such a jerk, huh?” Jaden snorted as soon as he left and Kaylan left the bed and ran to the mirror.

“My dress is still looking okay, right?” Kaylan asked, twirling in front of the mirror.

“Yeah, of course. Um… Kaylan, do you think you’ll be spending the night with him today?” Jaden asked and fear gripped Kaylan immediately.
God! She didn’t even think of that aspect.

“Urgh! Of course, not. Why would he ask me to spend the night with him?” She frowned.

“Are you kidding me, Kay? Are you forgetting the main reason he needs a wife?? It’s because he needs a successor. So , you two need to make babies..”

“Shut up, Jaden. We’re not making any babies. As a matter of fact, I’m never letting that guy touch me. Grr! He looks so scary and I doubt if he’s ever been to bed with a woman. It’s possible he doesn’t even know how to do it” she paused and laughed at her own words, covering her mouth with her palm.
Jaden just watched her like a movie.

“Anyway, let’s go now before he says I’m late” she stated sarcastically and started today the door while Jaden followed her.
Aiken had been waiting outside like he claimed and he led them to the big hall where the marriage was to take place.

Roseline had attended about 2 marriages before and they sure looked better than this. They had people all over with red beautiful designs and the rest. But in her case, it was looking almost like a rat funeral. Hmph.

She found just about 5 people in the hall in total – two women, a boy and two ladies and she didn’t bother to know who they were.

Xander was standing at the extreme with the priest in front of him and they all seemed to be waiting for her. Oh.

She rolled her eyes and kept her head bowed as she marched towards the extreme to join Xander who was just staring into space like a robot.

“Now, the bride is here. Can we begin now?” The royal priest asked but nobody replied.
So, he took that as a *yes* and proceeded.


The marriage was as short as a rabbit as within the twinkle of an eye, it was all over and everyone dispatched.

“Welcome to the family, dear” one of the women she had seen in the hall said warmly to Kaylan just when she was about leaving.

Hold on; family? Who was the woman? She thought Xander had no family?

“Um… Thank you” She replied anyway and the woman smiled and left.

The other ladies didn’t even pay attention to her but just simply left. And as for the boy…he gave her a light smile before leaving.
Happy married life, darling. I can’t believe you’re finally Mrs Xander ” Jaden said teasingly as they walked side by side back to their chambers.

“Come off it, Jaden. I wouldn’t even call this a wedding. It’s the whackest wedding I’ve ever experienced my whole life” Kaylan Said with so much irritability and Jaden laughed.

“Anyway, I’m sincerely sorry about this, Kaylan. But don’t worry, I’m sure… things would get better.

“By the way, I’m soo hungry. Where’s the kitchen, huh?”
Aiken was standing behind Xander as he took off his heavy clothes so he’d be a little free. For someone that was getting married for the 3rd time, he didn’t expect him to feel any excitement of course. And that was the reason he wasn’t surprised as he acted so cold and quiet.

But then, following the marriage rites, he should be in bed with his new wife right? Shouldn’t that be the first thing they do after solemnization?

“My Lord’ he called after a few seconds but Xander didn’t respond.

“Should I get you you the princess?”

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The Master’s Third Wife Episode 7



If you Miss any Episode Click HereOr Click here to read the previous episode, The Master’s Wife Episode 6

The Master’s Third Wife Episode 7

Kaylan could feel her throat in her chest as she stared keenly at the wardrobe.
What the hell was that?? What made that sound??

Her eyes were nearly popping out of their sockets as she reached for a vest beside her and lifted it up. It was time for war.

“Who’s there?!” She commended, her hands shaking with the vest in it
“Come out now, or I’ll kill you”.

There was another sound and she flinched.

She was about running away when suddenly, a lady jumped out from behind with her fingers out.

“Yeah!” She gave a light scream, trying to frighten Kaylan more and Kaylan’s jaws dropped when she noticed it was Jaden.

“Whaaat??? Jaden?” She called in disbelief and Jaden laughed so hard at her.

“Oh, goodness! You needed to had seen your face, Kaylan! You were like a fat rat!” Jaden said with a hearty laughter, but Kaylan was still surprised.

“Hold on, how the hell did you get in here?” She asked with crinkled eyes, lowering the vest.

“Oh! It’s easy. I knew this would be your room. So, I found a way to sneak in. Come here, I was so worried about you” she pouted as she went closer and pulled her in a hug.

Kaylan collected the hug, but as soon as it lasted for a second, she slapped her on the head.

“Ouch!” Jaden winced, touching the back of her head.

“Come here, how dare you give me a fright, huh? Are you normal?” Kaylan lifted the vest towards her and she moved away.

“Stop it, will you? I didn’t mean to. Did I commit a crime by coming to see you?” Jaden asked with pouted lips and Kaylan rolled her eyes and dropped the vest.

“By the way Kaylan, how on Earth did you end up with Xander??” Jaden asked and Kaylan dropped her ass on the bed.

“It’s that fat man that calls himself my father” she rolled her eyes. “He did it to punish me – saying I needed to get married so I could change”.

“Huh? But that’s Outrageous. Getting married doesn’t mean you’ll change. Besides, Master Xander is too dangerous to me. Why would your father just marry you off to him like he doesn’t care about you anymore?”

“Hah!” Kaylan suddenly gasped and turned properly to face her.
“You wouldn’t even believe what happened earlier on!” She clapped her hands and laughed with so much excitement.

“Today, I challenged him! Yes, I did”.

Jaden’s eyes dilated in shock and confusion.

“I… don’t understand, Kay. What’re you talking about?”

“Well, when I arrived, I was actually taken to his room and to wait for him. And while I was waiting, I accidentally broke his glass and that was the moment he walked in.

“Hold on, whaaat??” Jaden exclaimed. “Why were you so clumsy, Kaylan?!”

“Well, it was a mistake okay?” She rolled her eyes. “Anyway, he was pretty angry and asked if I was dumb and I told him – hey, I’m not dumb okay? Actually, you’re the one who’s dumb! You and your guards!”
She paused and giggled while Jaden stared at her like she was out of her mind.

“Okay. Just tell me you’re joking because I know that isn’t true” she scoffed.

“Huh? You think I’m lying to you? Of course, it happened! I told him to his face” Kaylan defended.

“And you seriously think you’d still be alive at this moment?” She chuckled.
“Even if you were to be alive, I’m pretty sure your eyes would’ve been off already. Or worst, your legs would be dancing on a pole right now”.

“Fine! Fine! Just shut up okay?” Kaylan rolled her eyes. “I didn’t exactly spell it out to him, tho. But I’m pretty sure he should know that was what I meant”

Jaden shook her head and laughed pathetically.

“Anyway, when is the marriage ceremony taking place?” She asked.


Xander stood in front of his second table, sharpening his sword with the steel when he heard the door open.

He maintained his position, not bothering to have a look because he could tell who it was from her walking steps.

“Why are you late, Anya?” He asked calmly when she stood behind him and she felt a slight fear run through her.

“I’m… I’m very sorry, My Lord. I was actually in the bathroom when the guard came to call me. I apologise for the delay” she replied politely, her head bowed in respect.

For a longer time, he didn’t say a word and it made her so so nervous.
Urgh! That killing silence!

Each time Xander was quiet after getting offended, the offender is usually very anxious because he could pass a deadly judgement when he finally speaks.

“You should know what to do” he finally said and Anya breathed in relief, feeling thankful it didn’t have to be a punishment.

Without hesitation, she took off her clothes and went to lay on the bed.

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