Welcome back to Nairaflaver, we shall be discussing on another interesting topic, tittled “How to create and manage a blog”
Newbies might find it very difficult to create a simple blog.
So in this article, I shall coach you on how to create and manage a blog within few minutes, feel free to ask any question pertaining to this topic via comment session after reading this article.
Let’s start…
A Blog is a web page own and manage by an individual, set of people, or company, where contents are often updated, usually written in an conversational style with the aim or purpose of attracting visitors and as well a source of income.
As we all know that Blog writters are called bloggers, and there are things you would need to consider before setting up a blog, e.g Good Writting Skills, therefore you must be a good writer before thinking about setting up a blog.
Then secondly, before you can become a successful blogger you need to know your area of concentration, as there are different kinds of niche, as you might probably heard of entertainment bloggers, tech bloggers e.t.c
A Blog niche is a choosen topics or areas you would like to focus and blog about. e.g Technology, Entertainment, Health, Fitness, Fashion, Finance, Business e.t.c
Knowing your blog niche enable you to know what to blog about and how to target your audience, you might be asking your self “how do i know my niche? “.
Here are some factors you would need to consider before jumping into any niche.
- Before jumping into any blog niche, you must have analysed and known the topic you would like to focus on, knowing your interest is another way of becoming a successful blogger.
- Go for what you know more about: let’s assumed you know more about tech than entertainment, i would suggest you go for tech, because there will be a brighter chance of been successful.
- Know your competitors: knowing your competitors and ways you can outrank them can bring about successful blogging.
Now.. Without wasting much of our time and going off point, let me quickly show you the secrets on how to create a blog.
- Know where to host your blog, either blogger / blogspot or wordpress (depends on your choice), but i recommend wordpress, i shall tell you on my next article why i recommend wordpress.
- Know what to use as your blog name and description, related to your niche.
Make your blog active:
Now that you have known your blog name, I shall teach you how to create and run a blog on wordpress platform.
Now, to use wordpress service you have to register with any web hosting provider either free or paid, and i as well recommend paid one.
Here are list of sone free and paid web hosting providers:
You can pick any one of your choice and sign up with them, then select your hosting package make payment if needed.
After finishing the above steps, check your mail and follow the given instructions to login into your account cpanel.
After entering your Cpanel, locate your Softaculous then select WordPress, and fill in your wordpress installation details and Install.
That’s All.
You can now log into your wordpress dashboard by attarching /wp-admin/ at the end of your blog url, e.g
Once your blog has been active, write good contents and equally submit your site map to google by verifying your blog on Google Search Console, then apply for Ads.
Please share this article if you think it’s helpful.
Signature: CEO Nairaflaver
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