FACT CHECK!! What Killed Prophet TB Joshua? God or Man? (See This)
Something is not right with TB Joshua’s death. I don’t think he died a natural death.
On the 6th of June 2021 the world woke up to a sad news of the death of a renowned Clergy man Prophet T.B Joshua who died shortly after officiating a behind close doors deliverance service at his Church’s mountain in Agodo area of Lagos.
His death has drew so many sympathizers around the world with many reactions and questions as to why he died so soon.
Some said it is God who called him home, others said he paid the price for his sins. Who knows?🤷
Well personally I think T.B Joshua was eliminated. Why I think so?
Some months back an ex staff working in mountain premises where Joshua resided before his painful demise said there was some disagreement and misunderstanding within the body and authority of the church after Joshua’s food was “allegedly” poisoned by the cook. To those of you who attended night classes, read again. I said ALLEGEDLY!🤷
Note: TB Joshua does not eat anyhow and any kinda food. His food is always prepared by male cooks under strict supervision, no woman is allowed to cook for him and after his food is prepared, it is been sealed totally just the way a tin tomatoes is sealed. After that the food would be transported to wherever he is, still under supervision. He opens his food by himself.
So the question now is, why did his cook poison his food? Was the cook bribed or something? And why did they(the church authority) conceal the matter? Hmmm 🤔
According to an insider, during the close doors deliverance service at his Church’s mountain in Agodo area of Lagos yesterday, he stumbled more than thrice, but everyone thought all is well with him.
Well with these few point there’s a possibility that something has been eating him up for a while now. Joshua was sick.
To those saying it’s God that took him I have a question for y’all. Why would God keep on killing the younger people?
Last time He killed Adeboye’s son, and now T.B Joshua at age 57? C’mon man, that’s crazy!
I drop pen here for now.
What Killed Prophet TB Joshua? God or Man?
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