FG Suspends Aviation Company That Flew Naira Marley To Abuja For His Drive In Concert
The Federal Government has suspended Executive Jet services, the aviation company that owns the private jet used to fly Naira Marley from Lagos to Abuja for his drive-in concert on Saturday, June 13.
The Minister of Aviation, Hadi Sirika, who announced this at the daily briefing of the Presidential Taskforce on COVID-19 today June 15, said the aviation company violated the Federal government’s approval.
According to him, an approval was given to the company to fly Justice Adefope Okoji from Lagos to Abuja and back to Lagos on an official assignment. However, they used the approval to fly in NairaMarley.
Well, we approved a flight but certainly not for any musician. The flight, from the application, was to convey Honourable Justice Adefope Okojie from Lagos to Abuja and back to Lagos for an official assignment.
“In this challenging time, in our wisdom, we considered the judiciary to be part of the essential service to be delivered. Having to move the Hon. Justice from Lagos to Abuja was in order. The approval was given for the 14th of June, 2020, however, we do give them a leeway of 24 hours sometimes due to operational reasons.They can operate the flight slightly earlier or slightly forward within 24 hours. In this case, the operator choose to fly on the 13th at about 6:00 pm. So, that itself is not a violation to operate earlier because we gave him the leeway.
The operator is Executive Jets Services and the approval was very clear and I will read part of it. This is the letter from the ministry of Aviation to the Chairman of the Executive Jets Services and it was signed by the Director of Air Transport Management on my behalf.”
Announcing the sanctions on the company, Sirika said
“The operation is a clear violation of our approvals which we take seriously, it seems this is becoming a norm, it’s the second time.
Execujet services are hereby suspended indefinitely. We’ll also fine them maximally according to the law. The captain of the flight will be sanctioned for giving wrong information to the control tower”.
On Sunday, June 14, the Federal Capital Territory Administration sealed off Jabi Lake Mall on Sunday for two weeks over Naira Marley’s concert which violated the government’s ban on public gathering.
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 61
If you Miss any Episode Click Here Or Click here to read the previous episode, The Master’s Wife Episode 60
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 61
By: Faith Lucky
Xander stopped writing and leaned back on his chair, gaining Kaylan’s gaze on him.
She noticed the displeasure on his face as he stretched out his wounded arm to reach for a scroll.
“Please, take a seat, Princess” he stated effortlessly and Kaylan looked around for the nearest seat.
She found one right behind her and took it, sitting like a humble lady.
Lord Xander went cold for a second as he started unfolding the scroll.
“Axel told me you were the first to know about the poison” he began, his eyes on the scroll he was rolling.
“How did that happen?”
Kaylan itched the back of her neck.
“Well….” She hesitated a little.
“I had come into your room to get my hair pin and…. Jaden saw the tea on the table and took a taste from it. She didn’t mean to be intruding, you know? She just wanted to have a taste of it. So … on our way to watch the fight, she passed out in the carriage and one of the passengers told me she was poisoned. Then, I remembered… the tea was the only thing she had tasted, and I knew that was also the same thing you had tasted. So, I ran to the venue of the fight to save you, because I knew you had been poisoned”. She’ explained, while Lord Xander watched her tiny lips moving the whole time.
He scoffed and stood up.
“So, you were actually heading for the fight even when I told you not to?” He asked as he walked to his shelf, and that was when it dawned on Kaylan.
Oh, no; what had she been thinking??
She bit her lower lip and lowered her gaze to the floor immediately.
“It’s um…. not what you think” she gulped hard.
Xander took the book he wanted from his shelf and turned around to face her.
“Thank you, Kaylan” Kaylan’s eyes darted in surprise the moment she heard those words.
She whipped her head swiftly to look at him, not wanting to believe those words had really come out of Xander; but he said them again.
“Thank you for taking the risk, to come into that arena. At least, now I know your stubbornness could be useful at times. I owe you a treat”.
And with that said, he walked away, going into his inner chambers while Kaylan sat there in shock.
Okay; this was probably a dream; a big dream.
Of course,it wasn’t real.
Lord Xander…. just showed some appreciation??????
Kaylan returned to the room, looking like a blushing ghost with Jaden eating some sauce on the bed. She noticed the funny look on Kaylan’s face as she walked in and sat quietly on the bed.
“Hey” Jaden kicked her with her feet.
“What’s the problem? You didn’t get punished, did you!?”
Kaylan simply shook her head negatively.
“Okay….So, why are you acting this way? Rather.. looking this way?” Jaden licked some sauce off here three fingers.
“It’s nothing serious, just that…. Lord Xander did something I never thought he could do” she paused and chuckled.
“He thanked me for what happened, thanked me for going into the arena to save him”.
Jaden’s pretty eyes widened in surprise.
“Huh?? He did???”
Kaylan nodded with smiles all over.
“So, Lord Xander can be that humble afteral?”
“Well, of course. I saved his life” Kaylan snorted and stood up, going to face the window.
“He’s actually lucky he thanked me else, I’d have punched him right on the nose. Anyway, he also told me he owes me a treat, and for his own good, he better does it”. She spoke with a bossy smirk, while Jaden shook her head like she was actually that bold in front of Xander.
Kaylan and Jaden were up in time as they had slept early the previous night. They played around in the room and Kaylan was trying to fix her hair when Jaden suddenly called from the window.
“Where do you think Lord Xander is going with so many guards?” She asked as they watched him and some guards riding out.
He was fully armoured and she wondered if it wasn’t affecting his injury. Where were they going anyways? Shouldn’t he be resting by now?
“I have no idea” Jaden shurgged.
The ride to Melik Kingdom was a very long one, and Lord Xander was the most impatient. He kept hitting his horse most of the time to make it move faster and even with the fact that he was ahead of the others, he still didn’t feel he was moving fast enough as he just wanted to snap his eyes open and find himself in front of the gate.
As the horse rode faster, so did the memories of how Berlin had made his back hit the ground, flash into his head. That bàstard!!
Finally, they got there and the guards at the big opened gate try stopping them, but Xander wasn’t there for permission as he rode past them with the rest behind him.
The people moving around in the palace, holding bowls and baskets, all stopped abruptly and turned to watch, wondering who the strange angry – looking men on horses were, especially the one in front.
Xander jumped down from his horse, drew out his sword and looked up at the castle in front of him.
“Berlin!!!” His voice was a roar.
Axel and the rest of the guards had also stepped down from their horses and stood behind him.
Armed guards from around started running towards them as well, but that didn’t freak Xander, not even a bit.
Gasps and mumblings had started going circulating from the people around who stood and watched from a distance in fear. Only the Melik guards were bold enough to come close.
“Berlin!!!!” Xander roared again.
“Come out now and face me!!!!!”
Lord Xander was never the much-talker. So, hearing him yell that way, you could imagine how deadly his voice would be.
The King suddenly stepped out, standing at the balcony which was slightly distant from where Xander was. His wife, the Queen, was the next to come out. Then followed by Noah, and finally Berlin.
Desperation glinted in Xander’s eyes as soon as they spotted him.
The Melik guards ran and stood in front of Lord Xander, trying to create enough protection from where he stood to the balcony.
“Lord Xander” The King called, wearing a displeased look.
“What is the meaning of this? Why trying to create a scene in my palace?”
“I did not come here for you, King Of Melik. And I don’t want any other blood to be shed here today, aside your son. So, tell him to come out and FACE ME!!” Xander said raucously, walking a few paces around.
The King glanced at Berlin, his wife was already paranoid and nearly shaking.
“I know you to be a wise man, Xander” the King said.
“And you should know, what you’re trying to do is foolish. If you want a fight with my son, you do it the right way. Prepare for it, send him an invitation and await his response”.
“This is an UNFINISHED fight, King of Melik. Your SON started this fight and I’m here to finish it. We have to finish it – today, right here, right now. Now, I’m giving him just three seconds to come out here and face me. Else, I’ll create a blood path till I meet him..”
“I do not want a fight today, Xander” Berlin decided to speak up.
“Your little wife already ruined it yeste….”
Before the words could completely leave Berlin’s lips, Xander took up his sword and slashed it through the neck of one of the guards in front of him.
“Argh!!!!!!” Few of the women watching around, screamed as they watched the guard drop dead on the floor, with his head nearly falling off his neck.
The Queen also gasped and covered her mouth with her palms. And as for the rest of the guards standing in front of Xander, they stood there in confusion.
“You should know better than daring me, Berlin” Xander gritted.
“These guards standing in front of me are nothing to me; I can slit every one of their throats in less than 10 seconds and kill as many more as you’d send until I get to that balcony and cut my sword through your brother’s neck before it gets to yours. Now, for the last time, come out and face me”.
Who else can imagine how Berlin must be feeling right now?
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Brought to you by Faith Lucky ✍️
Love you all 💋💋💋
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 59
If you Miss any Episode Click Here Or Click here to read the previous episode, The Master’s Wife Episode 58
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 59
By: Faith Lucky
The woman in the room with Jaden, stood up immediately.
“I’m so sorry dear, but you need to leave now. I think you’re better. Besides, when you get home, you can get yourself a better physician, Okay?” She stated calmly, and Jaden just nodded as she stood up, wondering why her mother had been so hard on her.
“Thank you for your help. I really appreciate” she said.
“You’re welcome. Um….hold on”.
The woman rushed to her bag and returned with some coins.
“You should use this for your transportation because I’m not so sure you’re having one with you”.
Jaden was surprised. Was that harsh woman really her mother!??
“Thank you so much; I… I don’t even know how to thank you enough” she expressed.
“Well, you don’t really have to. I just hope you don’t get into more trouble. You should leave now. I’ll take you to a place where you can find a ride”.
She opened the door and led her out of the snug little house.
They both had to cover a lot of distance before finding a ride and Jaden thanked the woman some more before entering the carriage, heading home.
Kaylan arrived at the spot where she had left Jaden and looked around. It was empty.
Oh! Of course; what had she been thinking?? Was she really expecting to just find them there? Waiting for her the whole time? She had a feeling they wouldn’t be there anymore; she just didn’t want to think about it.
She itched her hair and looked around. Oh! Where could Jaden possibly be? She could remember leaving her with the woman. How on earth does she locate her from there?
She walked some paces around, wishing she could see anyone or anything helpful. But, there was no clue at all.
“Jaden??” She called out.
Ok, goodness! Where does she go from here?
Lord Xander’s eyes went open on the bed, his hands on his chest.
“Xander!” He heard a female voice called, and knew it was his aunt.
He could tell he was in his chambers; on the bed. But, his head….
“Xander, are you alright?” Madame Nadia asked with concern in her voice as she rushed up and sat next to him on the bed.
Xander said nothing as he tried sitting up, but went through so much pains due to the deep cut on his arm. He ignored the pains anyways, and still sat up. And looking around the room, he could see Axel, the Physician, Mansi and his aunt who was sitting next to him.
“Oh! Thank the creators you’re finally awake” Madame Nadia exhaled deeply.
“I was so scared for you,Xander; so scared you wouldn’t recover. But, thank goodness I was proven wrong”.
Xander said nothing still, as he went into deep thoughts.
He could remember …
The fight..
He looked at Axel.
“What happened to me?” He asked gruffly.
“You were poisoned, My Lord” Axel said. “The fight didn’t go so well”.
Instantly, memories from the fight came flashing into his head.
He could recall Berlin cutting him with his sword, and making his back touch the ground. He could remember….
“How was I poisoned?” He asked, his gaze on the floor.
“I discovered it was from your tea” the Physician replied, stepping forward.
“Whoever made it added some poison to it”.
What? Hilda….
“How did I end up here?” Xander asked.
“How did the fight end?”
Because he could remember it was a fight to the death.
“You were saved by Princess Kaylan” he answered.
“She had stepped in and stopped Prince Berlin from using his sword on you. It was just a lucky escape”.
And the memories came flashing into Zane’s head. Indeed, he could remember….
*No!! Please, don’t!!!
*He was poisoned!!!*
He could hear her screaming.
“Where’s the Princess?” He asked coldy.
“Don’t know. It seems she went out” Axel replied.
He grunted a little as he stood up.
“Xander…” Madame Nadia tried holding him down, but he didn’t let them as he stood up and took a brief walk to the window.
He stood in front of it and gazed outside, the full memories of what had happened, playing back in his head.
“Axel!” He called calmly, but his tone also deadly.
“My Lord” Axel budged forward, ready for his command.
It took Xander sometime before he proceeded.
“As soon as the Princess is back, bring her to me. Hilda – I want you to search round for her, and bring her to me, alive. And get the horses ready. First thing in the morning, we ride out”.
Axel was confused.
“Ride out?” He furrowed his brows. “To where, My Lord?”
And with a hard look, Xander turned to look at him:
“I have an unfinished business with Berlin”. He gritted.
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Brought to you by Faith Lucky ✍️
Love you all 💋💋💋
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 58
If you Miss any Episode Click Here Or Click here to read the previous episode, The Master’s Wife Episode 57
The Master’s Third Wife Episode 58
By: Faith Lucky
“Hurry up, Callum; Hurry up” Hilda said to her son as they parked up their important things in their bags.
“Make sure you leave no essential thing behind”.
Sound of bottles and bags could be heard.
“But, where do we go from here, mother?” Callum suddenly looked at her and asked.
“That isn’t important for now, Callum. It doesn’t matter if we live under the sea or anything. Getting away is the most important thing for us right now, because if Lord Xander ever gets to lay his hands on us, we’ll both be dead. So, hurry up”: Hilda answered huskily and tried concentrating.
“Thank you, mother” Callum said. “Thank you for taking the risk to save me”.
Hilda looked at him and simply nodded.
Kaylan stepped out of the carriage and followed Axel behind as they carried Xander to his chambers. He wasn’t looking any better, and still seemed unconscious.
They got to his chambers and laid him on the bed.
“Go get the Physician. Quick!”Axel ordered and the guards hurried out of the room
He touched Xander’s hair and arranged his clothes properly. His arm was still bleeding .
“Do you think he’ll be fine?” Kaylan asked from behind, sounding some worried.
“He should” Axel replied, without looking at her.
Then, she thought of Jaden. Oh, Jaden! How does she find her?
“I need to go somewhere” she muttered to Axel and ran out of the room.
She got out of the mansion and found a carriage she could pay for. She described her location to the rider and got in afterwards, hoping Jaden was still safe.
Jaden felt herself lying on something soft and cold. She spread her arms apart and turned with a slight grunt. Where was she?
Her eyes went open immediately and she looked around and discovered she was in a strange room – a small, congested room.
Huh?? How did she end here???
She flinched and was about jumping on her feet when she suddenly heard a voice:
“Keep calm, dear. You’re fine now, and out of danger”.
She turned swiftly to see a familiar woman walking towards her. Hold on; of course, she could recognize her.
She was the woman from the carriage – the carriage she and Kaylan had entered on their way to go watch the fight.
Where’s Kaylan?? And how did she end up here??
“What am I doing here?” She asked the woman with a stern look.
“You have nothing to worry about, dear. If I wanted to hurt you, you’d be dead already”. she said with a light smile as she sat in front of her, holding a small bowl.
“Here. You should drink this”. She stretched it out to Jaden, who didn’t even touch it.
“Where’s my friend? I want to know why I’m here” she demanded.
“Your friend should be looking for you by now. And don’t worry, you’ll be meeting her soon enough. Just drink this so you’ll be a lot stronger and be on your way”. The woman enthused.
*Be on my way?* Jaden thought. So easily?
“You passed out in the carriage. Don’t you remember?” The woman suddenly said.
“You passed out and your friend asked me to take care of you, while she goes to save…. I don’t even know”.
“What’re you talking about?* Jaden scoffed. “Kaylan would never leave me, knowing I was in danger”.
“Well… I don’t think she wanted to leave you. I mean, you took something poisonous, and I think she was going to save the second person that was poisoned or something”.
“What do you mean I was Poisoned?” Jaden asked.
“Well, I have no idea, but whatever you took this morning was Poisoned” the woman replied and it suddenly dawned on Jaden.
The tea she had taken from Lord Xander’s room. Now, it was making more sense to her…
Lord Xander was also poisoned??
She gasped and looked up at the woman and was about saying something when the old door suddenly burst open with a pretty old woman walking in.
She halted and took a dim look at Jaden on the bed.
“Mother!”the woman in front of Jaden stood up immediately and rushed to her.
“Ayita, who is this?” The old woman asked huskily, throwing a glare at Jaden.
Every single strand of hair on her head was completely white. She looked really old but wasn’t bent tho. And she had some marks on her face.
“Um… She is just someone I was giving some help to, mo….”
“What nonsense??” She growled.
“How dare you bring a stranger to my home, Ayita? Have you lost it??”
“But, mother….”
“Get her away from here! Now!! Leave my house!” She snapped and stormed out of room, leaving Jaden in shock.
What the hell was that??
Happy new month, lovelies 😘😘
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Brought to you by Faith Lucky ✍️
Love you all 💋💋💋
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